Chocolate Crinkles

I like to give the children bread and jam when they come in from school, cookies as a treat. Yesterday, I did not do any baking. No bread, no cake, no biscuits. I broke my routine and there were no snacks for the hungry pack when they got in. Big mistake as hungry children are great moaners. I try to cook everything from scratch, so I don’t often resort to buying ready made cake or biscuits, but in my panic, I bought a packet of cookies.

These lasted two minutes. In all fairness, there were not many in the packet, so when I picked up the last of the children from school, I bought another packet. That lasted less time as there was now one extra person.

As I said, I don’t buy cookies often, so I was surprised at how much they cost. It’s nice to feel that my baking is saving us some money.

We have made so many shaped biscuits over the winter period that I am stuck in a rut. Time to find a new cookie recipe to inspire me again. I came across Chocolate Crinkles at I’m gonna tell mom. So I baked a batch. This quantity made 40 cookies. I used Green & Black’s organic cocoa which gave plenty of taste instead of the over sweet taste of the packet ones I bought. Can you tell I am pleased?

I really wish you could smell these.
I really wish you could smell these.

I have baked bread as well, but I am guessing the smell alone will alert the little ones to these cookies. Officially added to my favourite cookies list. Yum!

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